Thursday, February 28, 2013

Focus - Interview with Natasha White

Natasha White is a budding author, growing Christian, and community supporter. Though she works a 9-5, in her "spare" time, she is also a student, dedicated family member, and seeks to bring hope to those around her.

FF: Describe your Christian Journey in three words.

Natasha: Ongoing, beautiful struggle

FF: Tell us a little about the Score4More organization.

Natasha: Score4More was established by African-American men, with Massachusetts athletes in mind. The goal is to equip young men and women with the tools needed to help ensure success. Our flagship program, “Faster, Smarter, Stronger” provides the skills building piece, while our tutoring program is set to be piloted in March, 2013. Throughout the year we hold numerous events such as our renown summer basketball tournament, “Save our Streets”, and this year we held our first holiday party, “We LOVE the kids” where we gave out 500 gifts.

FF: What is your role within Score4More?

Natasha: HA! (laughing out loud), my title is that of Secretary of the Board, but my role is ever evolving. For the most part I am responsible for the administrative arm of the organization which I do enjoy. During our events, I am mostly handling the registration piece, and being available to handle whatever comes up.

FF: What are some of the programs that you offer the youth?

Natasha: The cornerstone of our organization is “Faster, Smarter, Stronger”. This is held year round, on an eight week on/two week off schedule. Here we offer skills building and nutritional tips to the youth we serve. As stated previously, the tutoring arm is being piloted in March, 2013, where the focus is on academics. We realize that being able reading a book is of equal importance as being able to read a play, and we want to make sure our kids are equipped and ready.

FF: The “We love the kids” Christmas Celebration at the Melnea Cass Sports Complex was absolutely beautiful. It had a winter wonderland feel to it and so many people in the community were blessed by it. It was wonderful to see that it was truly a collaborative effort. What are your goals for this year’s celebration?

Natasha: Thank you! Our goals are to have a better impact on the communities we serve. We want to be a resource and be available for many years to come. Our goals are to continue to establish ourselves and to collaborate with those who share our mission. We want the kids and their parents to know we are here for them in any way we can be.

FF: In what way can one get involved?

Natasha: One can get involved through volunteering. We have a GREAT need for volunteers. Whether it be at an event we host, or behind the scenes, we can always use an extra pair of hands, and some fresh ideas. Giving is also another way. Donations are accepted and are greatly appreciated. For more information, people can visit

FF: What’s next for Score4More?

Natasha: We are constantly growing and evolving. We have an event for young ladies that will be held in April. Faster, Smarter, Stronger is in full effect, and “Save our Streets” will be held in July. In the meantime, we as a team are growing and we are excited about serving our great community.

Score4More Team: Natasha White, Derrone Greaves, Roger Roberts, Marlon Benjamin, Ray Noiles, (top row) Tiffany Benjamin, Clayton Weston, Liz Miranda (bottom row)

Saturday, February 9, 2013