Saturday, August 2, 2014

Testimony....Our Father.....

‪#‎Testimony. I grew up being constantly told that I was unwanted, more specifically that my "Daddy didn't want me". I was not raised "in the church" so I totally felt insignificant and abandoned. I did eventually have a relationship with my father but the words (lies) were always in the back of my mind. Fast forward to adulthood. I became a Christian. I KNEW that I was GOD'S daughter but still felt the sting about my physical dad because of what was always told to me. My father died suddenly last year on May 19th. As I was going through my pictures and a box of letters I found one written by my dad and addressed to my mother in 1977. (I was going on ten years old) The whole ENTIRE letter was about me. How I was doing? About my schooling. He wanted to SEE ME, but we had moved and had not given him our new address etc. He had to get our new info from someone else, etc. The tone of the letter was NOT of someone who did not CARE. In fact it seemed like he was pleading to be able to see me. (We were in Boston, he was in Virginia) Tears streamed down my face as I was reminded of how God never forsaked me. Even though my parents had their issues with each other, I was STILL the apple of God's eye!


  1. Wow. That is very moving. Thank you for sharing what must be a very emotional revelation.

    1. I had the letter in my possession for years! Reading it at that time was a poignant reminder about my father, no matter what anybody says!

  2. Amen! What a wonderful way for God to bring healing. Thank you for sharing.

  3. YES!! God knew what I needed at that time! He gave me something concrete and in print to see with my own eyes to reassure me during my time of grief!
